Search guidance - results



Registered Swiss lawyers - Guidance

How to practise in the UK as a Swiss lawyer.

Registered Foreign lawyers - Guidance

How to practise in the UK as a Registered Foreign lawyer

Registered European lawyers - Guidance

How to practise in the UK as a European lawyer.

Closing down your practice - Guidance

To enable those who are closing down their practice to protect the interests of their clients and comply with our Standards and Regulations.

Sole practitioners and small firms regulatory starter pack - Guidance

This starter pack provides help and support to practitioners looking to establish their own business.

Approval of role holders - Guidance

How we approve persons to be managers, owners or compliance officers of firms we regulate.

Does your interest in a licensed body require approval? - Guidance

An overview of our approach in determining whether a particular role or interest a person has in licensed body requires approval.

Multi-disciplinary practices: Regulation of non-reserved legal activity - Guidance

To help you understand how we will regulate reserved and non- reserved legal activity in an MDP.

Does my employer need to be authorised by an approved regulator? - Guidance

A flow chart to assist solicitors, registered European lawyers and registered foreign lawyers in deciding whether their employer needs to be authorised under the Legal Services Act.

How we make our decision to authorise a firm - Guidance

For those applying to us to authorise their business as an SRA regulated recognised sole practice, recognised body or licensed body.